Head spinning, room spinning, unable to see straight… and then, the nausea sets in. It’s extremely difficult to function normally when vertigo hits. Did you know that your atlas may be the problem behind vertigo, dizziness, and balance disorders, and that a specific Atlas Orthogonal adjustment can be the solution?
The top third of your spine, located in the neck, is called the cervical spine, and the family of chiropractic techniques that specialize in the upper part of the neck is called upper cervical chiropractic, Atlas Orthogonal among them. Your atlas, or C1 vertebra, is located at the very top of the cervical spine, just under the skull. This tiny bone has two very important arteries wrapping around it that supply blood to the brain. When the atlas is misaligned, pressure on these arteries can result in lack of blood flow to the brain. In addition, your whole body is thrown off balance as your core tries to make up for your crooked head and neck! Pressure on the brainstem can also result from an atlas misalignment. The combination of undue stress on the nervous system and reduced blood flow to the brain can create a host of symptoms, dizziness and vertigo commonly among them.
When this bone is re-aligned to its proper position, adequate blood flow is restored, the nervous system returns to an interference-free state, and your entire frame regains its balance. This means an end to vertigo and all the discomfort that comes with it.
One research study looked at 60 cases of chronic vertigo, and results showed that 100% of cases either improved or completely reversed their condition with specific chiropractic adjustments. Fifty-six of the patients recalled a history of trauma, but all of them had a neck imbalance, which was treated by a precision upper cervical correction like the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic procedure. All participants had been diagnosed by their physicians with various forms of vertigo, including Meniere’s, positional vertigo, and migraine-associated vertigo. And all of them got better after they got their heads on straight.
If you or someone you know suffers from vertigo or balance problems, let them know that chiropractic can help!
The top third of your spine, located in the neck, is called the cervical spine, and the family of chiropractic techniques that specialize in the upper part of the neck is called upper cervical chiropractic, Atlas Orthogonal among them. Your atlas, or C1 vertebra, is located at the very top of the cervical spine, just under the skull. This tiny bone has two very important arteries wrapping around it that supply blood to the brain. When the atlas is misaligned, pressure on these arteries can result in lack of blood flow to the brain. In addition, your whole body is thrown off balance as your core tries to make up for your crooked head and neck! Pressure on the brainstem can also result from an atlas misalignment. The combination of undue stress on the nervous system and reduced blood flow to the brain can create a host of symptoms, dizziness and vertigo commonly among them.
When this bone is re-aligned to its proper position, adequate blood flow is restored, the nervous system returns to an interference-free state, and your entire frame regains its balance. This means an end to vertigo and all the discomfort that comes with it.
One research study looked at 60 cases of chronic vertigo, and results showed that 100% of cases either improved or completely reversed their condition with specific chiropractic adjustments. Fifty-six of the patients recalled a history of trauma, but all of them had a neck imbalance, which was treated by a precision upper cervical correction like the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic procedure. All participants had been diagnosed by their physicians with various forms of vertigo, including Meniere’s, positional vertigo, and migraine-associated vertigo. And all of them got better after they got their heads on straight.
If you or someone you know suffers from vertigo or balance problems, let them know that chiropractic can help!