When you mention the word “chiropractor” to the average person, they think, “the doc who fixes back pain.” Chiropractors actually affect the entire nervous system by adjusting the misaligned bones of the spine, allowing nerve flow to properly reach every organ and tissue of the body. While chiropractic is about much more than helping your pain, it is true that chiropractic care has been shown to be the most effective treatment for chronic and acute back pain.
Dr. Lauri Webb specializes in very specifically and gently aligning the top bone in the neck (the atlas), and adjusting the rest of the spine from there. Because the atlas is the bone that supports your skull, a misalignment here affects how you hold your head, and can therefore cause neck pain and back pain all the way down the spine, even in the low back and hips. Some people will even get a searing or sharp pain in their rear, and/or down their legs due to sciatica. By correcting the atlas misalignment, thus getting your head into an orthogonal, or straight, position, the body is brought back into balance. When this occurs, the kinks and curves of the spine (which were present in order to compensate for your crooked head placement) are able to relax and straighten, and the causes of your back pain are corrected so that everything can feel normal again. So, getting your head on straight with AO Chiropractic can get rid of your back pain!
As school starts back up, keep an ear out for neck or back pain your school-aged child may be complaining about. The culprit might be that heavy backpack they’re filling with books and carrying around all day long. Look into the backpacks on wheels, so your little one can roll the weight around instead of hauling it on their spines.
If you or someone you know is suffering from back pain, make sure they know that chiropractic can help. And if they want to fix the problem so it doesn’t return, tell them about Atlas Orthogonal care with Dr. Webb. Because getting the atlas in place is the first step in correcting spinal misalignments that are the root cause of back pain.
PRO TIP: A good rule of thumb is to not have a child’s backpack weigh more than 10% of their body weight. So if s/he weighs 60 pounds, carrying a backpack that weighs greater than 6 pounds may put undue strain on your child’s neck and back and could cause problems later in life. Try to keep the heavy books at home, if s/he doesn’t need to use them at school.
Dr. Lauri Webb specializes in very specifically and gently aligning the top bone in the neck (the atlas), and adjusting the rest of the spine from there. Because the atlas is the bone that supports your skull, a misalignment here affects how you hold your head, and can therefore cause neck pain and back pain all the way down the spine, even in the low back and hips. Some people will even get a searing or sharp pain in their rear, and/or down their legs due to sciatica. By correcting the atlas misalignment, thus getting your head into an orthogonal, or straight, position, the body is brought back into balance. When this occurs, the kinks and curves of the spine (which were present in order to compensate for your crooked head placement) are able to relax and straighten, and the causes of your back pain are corrected so that everything can feel normal again. So, getting your head on straight with AO Chiropractic can get rid of your back pain!
As school starts back up, keep an ear out for neck or back pain your school-aged child may be complaining about. The culprit might be that heavy backpack they’re filling with books and carrying around all day long. Look into the backpacks on wheels, so your little one can roll the weight around instead of hauling it on their spines.
If you or someone you know is suffering from back pain, make sure they know that chiropractic can help. And if they want to fix the problem so it doesn’t return, tell them about Atlas Orthogonal care with Dr. Webb. Because getting the atlas in place is the first step in correcting spinal misalignments that are the root cause of back pain.
PRO TIP: A good rule of thumb is to not have a child’s backpack weigh more than 10% of their body weight. So if s/he weighs 60 pounds, carrying a backpack that weighs greater than 6 pounds may put undue strain on your child’s neck and back and could cause problems later in life. Try to keep the heavy books at home, if s/he doesn’t need to use them at school.